Depressing, yet Inspiring

Posted: Wed, 18 February 2009 | permalink | No comments

If you're not reading The Daily WTF, today's soapbox article, Programming Sucks! Or At Least, It Ought To is a good reason to at least give it a glance now and then.

Essentially, it's a wake-up call to all those programmers who think that their working life isn't complete unless every project is implemented in a new language, with a new framework, or at the very least using a bunch of the latest whizz-bang techniques that they read about on the back of their weeties blog this morning.

My favourite rule, and one that I really need to re-learn myself, is:

Serve the Business. Every tradesman wants to use the latest, greatest, and most powerful tools, but rarely are they appropriate for the job. Likewise, there's hardly ever a business case to immediately upgrade all platforms/libraries/languages. That 10-year old "Classic ASP" code hasn't gotten worn out, just much less fun to maintain.

The rest of his rules are also useful, and should probably be printed out and stuck up around the offices of every IS development shop.

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