How not to report abuse

Posted: Mon, 3 August 2015 | permalink | No comments

This is the entire complaint that was received:

We are an IT security company from Spain.

We have detected sensitive information belonging to Banesco Banco Universal, C.A. clientes.

As authorized representative in the resolution of IT security incidents affecting Banesco Banco Universal, C.A., we demand the deletion of the content related to Banesco Banco Universal, C.A, clients. This content violates the law about electronic crime in Venezuela (see “Ley Especial sobre Delitos Informáticos de Venezuela”, Chapter III, Articles 20 y 23).

Note the complete lack of any information regarding what URLs, or even which site(s), they consider to be problematic. Nope, just “delete all our stuff!” and a wave of the “against the law somewhere!” stick.

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